Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Effects of Globalisation on my life

These years, globalisation is a hot topic. In my opinion globalisation means that countries depend on each other more and more. Everything between countries run like inside one country. This effects our lives very much.

More and more Asian food are imported to New Zealand.I moved to Auckland 8 years ago. When I just arrived, I found it difficult to adapt to the life here, especially the food. It was very different from China, but later I could find more and more food from China and some food I like very much from other Asian countries. Now in Auckland, I almost can buy everything that I did in China, from fish, shrimp to vegetables. I like rice from Thailand, even some ingredients.

When I talk with my friends in China, Australia, we mentions the same food, it seems we stay in the same city, not far away from each other.

I can feel the price was cut down, because of the imported food, and we can buy everything all the time, not like before some vegetables and friuts only occurs in certain season. I think it makes our lives better and better.